Managing Your Thesis Supervisors

Developing a positive and productive thesis supervisor/candidate relationship is an essential component of stable and successful postgraduate degrees. It is important for prospective and current candidates to learn to take the lead in the process of building a sound professional relationship with their academic colleagues. This can be tricky, as there are often power and experience imbalances that can leave thesis candidates overwhelmed and unsure of where they stand in terms of their rights and responsibilities.

‘Managing Your Thesis Supervisors’ is suitable for prospective and early postgraduate candidates/students, and academics who want to know what prospective and current candidates are seeking in a thesis supervisor.

Workshop content:

  • How to find a thesis supervisor, and make sure they are ‘the one’ for you
  • What thesis supervision means in the Australian context
  • Your responsibilities and rights as a postgraduate candidate
  • Strategies for setting and managing mutual expectations
  • Is it me, or you? Identifying where problems lie.
  • What to do if things are not working for you (or them!)

Learning objectives summary:
This workshop will develop

  • Collaboration skills
  • People management skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Project management skills